Monday, 19 September 2016

SWAA at Sundog 2016

Bob Lavender has once again offered to coordinate a booth for SWAA at the Sundog Art & Craft Fair held from December 2 - 4 at the Sasktel Centre (formerly the CUC - and before that SaskPlace).

Sometime in November he will be getting things organized and looking for volunteers to man the booth.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Gail Adams Studio of Arts - Fall Schedule

607 Dufferin Ave. S7N 1C4
Carey-Lynn 931-7790

Fall art classes are starting this Saturday Sept. 10. We still have openings available. This fall we are offering the following classes:
  • Pre/K art for ages 4-6
  • Primary art for grades 1-3
  • 1 or 2 hr General art class for ages 6 to adult in Saskatoon, Warman or Martensville
  • Intro   Advanced Cartooning for ages 10   up
  • Perspective for older teens   adults (starting in Oct)
  • Figure drawing for older teens   adults (starting in Oct)
If you would like to save a spot please email or call 30-931-7790. 
Carey-Lynn Link
Gail Adams Studio of Art

Sunday, 4 September 2016

SWAA & Reflections Meeting - September 13

Our next meeting will be:

Tuesday,  September 13, 2016
Doors open at 7:00 for Networking & to show what we are working on 
Meeting starting at 7:30 - 9:30 pm

Holy Convenant Orthodox Church Basement - use side door
1426 Alexandra Avenue, Saskatoon